
Sunday, February 14, 2016

Things I want to try this summer

This cold blustery weather, with the snow that's calling to start anytime now, has me thinking warm thoughts of things that I truly want to try this summer.  One of the biggest things I want to try this summer, which probably isn't all that big at all is, Orange Marmalade. I've been wanting to try making it since I first started making jelly, and canning and stuff. I know when I was a kid Orange Jelly was one of my favorite things for my PB & J sandwiches, of course I know that Orange Jelly, and Marmalade are 2 totally different things, but some of the pictures people have been posting in one of the canning groups I belong to have been calling me to the point of really wanting to!!! So, look for pictures of whatever mess I'm probably going to make in that endeavor. I also want to make Kool-Aid Jelly. Face Book is a really dangerous place to be when you belong to lots of fun groups. (Crochet, Quilting, FB group list doesn't really look like something a normal 30 something would belong to!)

The next thing on my list of things that I want to get accomplished this summer is, I want to get the hang of making the Double Wedding Ring quilt. I don't necessarily want to make the quilt, but I'm going to make practice blocks until I get good enough to make an entire quilt. I have my colors picked out, so I do want to make a DWR quilt, I've just got to practice, because those curves aren't necessarily impossible, just something that's going to need practice. I just love the look of those quilts, and would love to make one of them to have for Frank and I to cuddle under together.

Trout fishing!!! I want to go to a river that we can catch trout in, and stock our freezer with fresh fish. I think we can get our fishing licenses and trout stamps online now, so that will make things easier. Frank has plenty of fishing gear, so we wont need to get any of that. I think it would be fun to pack a picnic basket, and spend a day together with no television, no phones, and no work stuff going on. Just the two of us enjoying life.

And finally!!! I want to get more green beans, and tomatoes canned. I'd like to double the amount we got canned last year. This winter, we have done awesome not having to go grocery shopping for much of anything. That's been really awesome, and tasty.

What is everyone thinking about for their summer plans? I know the cold is probably getting to you all some.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Recipe Round up!

So, since I've not been able to figure out the tab feature of this blog yet, even after all these years, I thought that I'd go through my blog, and put links to all of my recipes here for you guys to maybe hopefully help out just a touch!!! So, every recipe that I've ever posted up until this point will be on this blog post! (I'm also planning on doing the same thing with my crochet patterns as well) (Plus since its only 10 degrees out, and Frank's working this weekend, it might kind of sort of be a great way for me to kill some time tonight!!!) (OK plus I'll admit, my walking abilities tonight may be quite limited..more on that in another blog post)
So here we go!!!
Fruit Cobbler
Raspberry Pie
Fried Pioneer Bread
Spanish Rice
Canned Apple Pie filling
Crock Pot Apple Butter
Single Serve Hot Chocolate
Crockpot Macaroni and Cheese
Brunch Egg Casserole
Cranberry Relish
Green Bean Casserole
Apple Butter Cake
Pickled Eggs
Scalloped Potato Casserole
Chocolate Chip Cookies
Macaroni Pizza Skillet meal
Quick Oatmeal Bar
Quick and Easy Chicken Casserole
Chocolate Eclair Crumble Desert
Zucchini Bread/Stuffed Squash
Flour Free Pancakes
5 ingredient bread
Bootlegger Beans
Eggplant Lasagna
Peach Bread Recipe
Breakfast Pizza
Frank's Pizza Sauce and crust
apple peel jelly
Laundry Soap
Dog Got Skunked deskunk wash
Gluten Free Pie Crust
Quick and Easy Sausage and Pasta Bake
Bacon Wrapped Asparagus
Spiced Sweet Potato Casserole
Corn Bread
Peanut Butter Balls and No Bake Oatmeal Cookies
Grans Chicken Soup
Strawberry Jam
German Potato Salad
1934 Chocolate Cake and Icing Recipe
Overnight Coffee Loaves
Chocolate Zucchini Cake
Big Brownies
Rabbit Chili
Zucchini Fritters
Easy Dinner Rolls
Pumpkin Bread

And There they all are!!! I may have missed one or two, because I didn't always label or tag the best when I first started out! As I was going through this blog, to gather up all of these recipes, I was rather surprised by how long I've been doing this already!!!
I hope that you all enjoy the trip down my recipe memory lane as much as I did!!!