
Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Chocolate Eclair Crumble Desert


Oh what could be better than an éclair? Lots of things possibly, but when you want the goodness of one of those, in a bowl, this is the way to go. The best part about this is how fast it works up, and it requires no baking, and serves about 8 people I guess its one of those cheater deserts where you just crumble up stuff and layer things.  This is actually a retake on a recipe that my mother in law makes, I just kind of changed it around a bit, cheated you could say.

2 packs of graham crackers, crumbled up
2- 1.34 oz. box of vanilla pudding mix
1- 8 oz container of whip cream
1/2 of a 16 oz container of creamy fudge frosting

Prepare the pudding mix as directed on the box, and then while its still runny like, add the cream, mix it in well. (I mixed it in with a blender)

Then put the frosting in the microwave for about a minute.

Once that goes off, layer it graham cracker crumbles, pudding, and drizzle the melted frosting, do another layer of the crumbles, the pudding, and drizzle more melted frosting, repeat that one more time, and then put the rest of the pudding on top and drizzle the last of the frosting on top of the pudding. Put in the fridge and let it chill.  It sets up pretty fast.

Now since my hubby is diabetic, I used the no sugar added, and low fast stuff. It tastes just as good, but you can use any that you like.


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