
Saturday, June 4, 2022

Hello again

Once again, I've been a bit neglectful. I really do miss writing my blog on a regular basis. Things are still getting sorted and settled and figured out, and of course new things continue to pop up. Mishka my youngest Siberian Husky has started having seizures. she's on medication, and has only had 1 break through seizure so far. I'm hoping that they stay far and few in between. I keep a daily log book, writing down her medication and anything else that seems significant. She has an appointment at the end of the month for a follow up. We have finally been able to get through paperwork started to buy this house. I will be glad when that's sorted out. It kind of leaves you with an odd sensation living in what feels like limbo. My sewing room is starting to have the feel that I want. It's taken some work, and some rearranging, but it feels rather nice. I've been managing to get quite a bit of quilting and sewing done. My sewing room is easily twice the size of my old one. We haven't done a veggie garden or taken the steps to get a rabbitry up and going yet. We've had quite a lot of clearing out to do before we could even think about starting anything like that. We'll get there though. Well now that you're all caught up for now, I'll stop rambling!!! I hope once again to become more active.