
Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Life on the farm continues

Well, Autumn is official here, and October is more than halfway over. It's been more than a month ago that I got my new left hip, and I'll be in physical therapy for a while longer yet. However, that doesn't mean things have stopped here.

The Barred Rock chicks that I have in one of my grow out sections, are growing beautifully. I feel like they should be bigger than they are, but they are only about 6 weeks old, so really they are probably on track. The straight run Rhode Island Reds I ordered back in August are doing great. I ordered 10 of them, and have 5 boys, and 5 girls. I also picked up some ISA Browns from Tractor Supply around the same time, and I'm truly impressed with them as always. They truly are my favorite hybrid.
All 6 of my girl ducks are laying. Some days, I only get 2 eggs, and some I get 6. So, I guess that means. I will get eggs from them on an every day basis.

Our farm plans are moving forward. I'm hoping by Spring to have a website built and ready to launch. We will be selling hatching eggs. We're starting small at the moment, but will be selling Rhode Island Red, Buff Orpington, Barred Rock, and Red Star. I plan on eventually adding Black Star, Black Australorp, Delaware, Dark Brahma, Copper Marans, and Speckled Sussex. We want to be able to offer more, however that may take us buying a bigger property, which we would eventually love to do.

So, keep your eyes open for the big announcement, and wish us luck as we get deeper into this!!!