
Tuesday, August 27, 2019


Hello there again. Yes, I know I just posted some pics of the puppers, but this blog post doesn't go along with that particular post. So, I thought that I would just do two different posts today.

We're planning on making some changes here on the farm. Frank is still in the same line of work, however, he's Monday through Friday, mostly day shift, but I never know when he will be home. It's not a bad thing, and I"m not complaining one bit. I enjoy knowing that we can have the weekends together for the most part. His new position allows me to be home, and to be a full-time dog mom, and quilter. (I'm going to be making t-shirt quilts)

I'm going to be getting out of chickens for a while. The raccoons have been such a huge problem for us. They have been a heartbreakingly huge problem. I'll admit that I get attached to my hens, and my roosters, and when these attacks happen it makes things hard. We won't be out of them permanently though. We are going to completely redo the housing, and the run. We will be putting a roof over the top of the run, with a slant to deal with the snow and the rain. Then we will reinforce everything around the bottom to ensure that nothing will be able to dig in. I'm also planning on adding some barbed wire along the top, and electric wire at various points. The electric wire will only need to be on at night, so I'll probably make it solar powered and have it plugged in as well in case its an overly cloudy day. Basically, I'm going to dump everything I have into protecting my hens.

I want to look into changing rabbit breeds. I'm thinking along the lines of New Zealand. They grow out faster, which is what we need. I'm not worried about being able to breed more. I worry about over breeding. Some people will say you can't over breed rabbits, but I don't believe that's true. I like to know that my girls are well rested and can be the best moms they can be.

Frank wants to get into raising quail. I'm all for that and think it could be fun, and exciting. We've been watching tons of youtube videos. We also found some pickled quail eggs at Rural King, and they are really good!!!! They definitely don't taste like pickled chicken eggs. I think I could raise them just for the pickled eggs!!!! However, we have a lot to do around here before we can start in on the quail.

Well, that's about it for this day. I have lots to do and little time to do it, because I've spent more time playing on the computer today than I normally would.


/Sorry there are no pics of the hound, but she's rather hard to get a pic of if she's not sleeping. She's always on the go. As you can see, we love our Huskies, and having 3 again is quite the treat. They interact like no other breed on the planet.

I wanted to post this yesterday but started cleaning out one of my kitchen cabinets and that ended up taking up more of the day than I thought it would. However it's a rainy day today, and that means all 4 of the pups are in the house, and getting stuff done isn't as easy as when they can just go in and out as they please. Plus we're still working on being able to have Mishka and Bella in the house together. Right now, Sam and Jasper and Mishka are good together inside, outside all 4 are fine, but that's outside. We know not to rush things, and that it's going to take a little time. Time, however, is on our side.

I've been looking at some new recipes, and can't decide what I'm going to try first. I know with Autumn just around the corner, I'm looking at some yummy cold-weather recipes. There is nothing like comfort food this time of the year.

Friday, August 23, 2019

August more than a year since my last post

Hello there...It's been an insane year, full of ups and downs. I don't know if anyone even still reads my blog, or even wants to. I suppose I'll fill everyone in on everything. I need to get back into the blog universe.

So just over a year ago, I went back to work. I went to work for Tractor Supply here in Woodstock. I absolutely loved it there. Yes, Loved.  I had to give it up for multiple reasons. First Frank got a promotion at work, and it keeps him from home a lot more, and he requested that perhaps I could go back to staying at home. Our schedules meant that we weren't seeing each other as much, and we were getting behind on a lot here at home. Then, there was the damage that I did to my right hip, the one that still needs to be replaced. So...I reluctantly agreed that perhaps staying at home wouldn't be such a bad thing.  I am however teaching a class once a week at the Sew and Vac in quilting.

I'll catch you all up on the Dogs because I know you all love my dogs. Jasper is doing great, he needs to go on a small diet, but he's great. Sam had to go on meds because he's been diagnosed with autoimmune disease. Thankfully it only affects the skin on his nose, under his eyes, and his anal glands. He's been on his meds for just over a month now, and so far, everything is looking great. The skin on his nose is growing back perfectly. Bella is doing well, I'm having a hard time controlling her eating,  So I bought some diet food that I'm about to switch them all honesty even Sam could use a few pounds off. Now for the big pet announcement...drum roll, please!!!! Last month we brought home a female Siberian Husky puppy that we named Mishka. She's a brownish reddish color with blue eyes. I promise I will have pictures in the near future.

I'm hoping to have lots more recipes to share, we got an Instant Pot, and I'm seriously in love with it. It's made my kitchen life so much easier, and I love how tender it makes the meat. I'm planning on sharing some of the recipes that we love.

In the spring, we have to start over with all of our chickens. We had another bad year with raccoons. We need to drop a bunch of money into completely redoing all of the housing and run area. We plan on trying to raccoon-proof our chicken run. I'm hoping we don't lose anymore this year, even though I'm not getting any eggs.  Having a farm is as much heartache as it is work and dedication.

Well, I will end this here. I fully intend to try to get back to posting on a regular basis now that I'm home again, and hopefully, I'll have lots of pictures, recipes, and maybe even some new crochet patterns.