
Friday, March 16, 2018

Fresh Strawberry muffins

Hello all!!!! I know it's been far too long (again) since my last blog post. I swear I don't do it on purpose, life just kind of gets a lot busy. Although, that's really not that great of an excuse, especially since that was one of the reasons I bought that tablet. That way I could just sort of blog in bed, or when we settle in for the evening.  I'm going to try to do 1 to 2 blogs a week...TRY being the operative word.

So its that time of the year when the FFA sells their Strawberries, and they are beyond tasty!!!! This year though, I wanted to try something a little different other than just cutting them up and throwing them in the freezer until I had time to make jam or smoothes. I felt the urge to bake, so I sorted through my stack of recipes that I've been holding onto forever to try, and this is what I found, and it was a huge hit!!!! I did change 2 little things, but I'll put those things in parenthesis next to the original recipe ingredient.

1/4 cup canola oil\
1/2 cup milk (almond milk)
1 egg (duck egg)
1/2 tsp salt
2 tsp baking powder
1/2 cup white sugar
1 and 3/4 cups all-purpose flour
1 cup chopped strawberries

1) preheat oven to 375 degrees F. and line the muffin pans with liners, or grease it if you would rather.

2)In a small bowl, combine oil, milk, and eggs, and beat lightly. In a large bowl mix all dry ing, and slowly mix in the wet ingredients from the first bowl. When well mixed, fold in strawberries.

3) Fill 8-12 muffin cups with the batter and bake for 25 minutes or until the tops bounce back from the touch. Cool 10 minutes in the muffin pan, and then remove.

That's it, pretty simple huh????


Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Winter cold and new egg layers

Hello everyone!!!! It's been a while, yet again since my last blog post. I have no good excuses if I must be honest.
So January has been a crazy month weather wise. We started out with a week of subzero temps, which meant going outside a whole lot to keep an eye on everyone. What was hilarious was the fact that I had on multiple layers, and was freezing, and my chickens were acting like it was nothing!!! Crazy birds.

So in the middle of all that cold, one of my 4 month old Barred Rock hens decided it's time to start laying, and she has not missed a day yet. I'm rather impressed by her, I just can't wait for the rest I them to start laying.

One of my non farming friends wanted to see what the difference is between a chicken and a duck egg was. So I took a picture and sent it to her. I'm pretty sure you all can tell which is the duck, and which is the chicken in that middle pucture.

Sam and Jasper turned 7 years old this month. Time has certainly flown. So I decided that since Sam will get upstairs no matter what, it was time to do away with the baby gate. It took Jasper about a week to try the stairs, but he now goes up and lays in my sewing room when I'm working on something.

Everything else is going well here. I'm about to start designing my first web page to sell hatching eggs. It's a project we are really excited about, and hope will do fairly well.  We really do have a lot of fun with our birds, and enjoy working with them.  I will do my best to keep you all updated on the progress of that.