
Monday, September 30, 2013


We picked up our rooster today, he's a big boy too!!! He's a Rhode Island Red. I have to admit, I never really thought about how big roosters are, but he makes my chickens look tiny.
I've named him Mister Sinatra. The girls flocked around him like he was a crooning superstar!!! He's already danced with all the girls too!!!

Fried Pioneer Bread

It's been a while since I've posted a pattern on here. Sorry about that...but here we are. This is one of my husband favorites. I don't make it as often as I could. I think that's why it's in his list of favorites.

1 cup flour
3/4 cup flour
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt

Mix all ingredients together. Drop by tablespoons into hot grease of frying pan. Turn until light brown. Drain on paper towel. Serve hot.

This is also really good with some shredded cheese mixed into the batter.


Sunday, September 29, 2013

New stuff

Our little farm is ever evolving here. It looks like things are about to grow some for us. We have an egg incubator on the way, and are on the hunt for a rooster. We've sent out many messages, and have answered many adds, just a few minutes to late...but we will get that Rooster one way or another.
Once our flock gets large enough, we plan on selling fertilized eggs for hatching. There are people that like to hatch their own without the rooster...then we plan on offering hatching services with our incubator as well...we'll just have to wait and see on that one I suppose.
Even though we don't have a big farm, and its just a small plot in our back yard, its quite exciting!!!
Once we get going, maybe you can look to us for your chicken needs!!!!

Saturday, September 21, 2013

A coop a coop!!!!

My chicken stuff is growing!!! Its growing quite swiftly. Today my husband and his best friend of about a hundred years or more went to Lowes, and picked up a metal shed. Yup a metal shed, it will go up quicker, and cheaper than building a coop from scratch, and we can make it quite secure to keep unwanted wildlife out, and our girls in. Unfortunately its not going to be put together for a couple of weeks, we have to wait for the next weekend that my hubby and his buddy are both off again. The plan is to paint the inside white. Then they are going to put in ventilation around the top to keep the breeze off of the chickens, but to allow air flow so that nobody gets sick.  It will also help to keep everybody drier when it rains, or snows, or sleets, or hails or whatever the weather deems necessary. the best part is, its going to make putting everybody to bed go a whole lot quicker, because instead of having to shut them up in those little coops that we have for them, I will simply have to shut a door!!! 

In the spring, we have plans to get a rooster!! Yup, a rooster. I know I said I didn't want one, but well, in the end its going to be more economical than buying new chicks to grow for eggs, or butchering.  We are waiting for spring because we want to make sure that we make it through the winter with our current 8, without anybody getting sick. I know it sounds bad, but truly this is our first set of chickens, and its been a learn as we go kind of thing.

Well I guess that's about all for the moment. I'll post pictures as the building gets put up, and once we have everything set up, and everybody all snug in their new, bigger better home.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

September is halfway over

Well, we are well into September. This month just waited for no man. I.did get a lot of crocheting in. The awesome part is most of it was paid orders.

I have started writing a little story. It's nothing much, just a little something to work on when I can't fall asleep. I'm nowhere near as good as my hubies cousin Shana. Maybe if it makes sense I'll share with you all.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

On a Thursday

Thursdays seem like such a strange day. It's close to the end of the week but it's not. It's almost like a teaser.

I've had a busy week. I've been worKing in cleaning and organizing my craft room, and working on some crochet orders. I'm far from done with the room, but halfway done with the orders.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Fall is just around the corner

Technically its still summer, but for some reason, I always just transition into fall once September gets here. I can't help it. I think its because School starts on September third here. Some of the tree's have started turning, and the weather has cooled off some.

I've started my yearly Fall cleaning. I clean year round, but I guess twice a year I do big cleanings, purge stuff, wash curtains...all that good stuff. I'm hoping this weekend, while my hubby is off we can move furniture around in the living room so that we can steam clean the carpet.  Its still too warm out yet to turn off the AC, and throw open the windows and just let the whole house air out, but that's just around the corner.

My chickens are doing well!!! I'm getting between 4 and 5 eggs a day. Those are good numbers. Although having 8 chickens, I wish It was more than that, but well, I can't be pushy. Different breeds of chickens have way different laying habits. There are plans in the works to build a good size coop, and expand the run. Once that's done, we are going to add 4 more chickens. Yup, there are only 2 of us, and that's going to be a lot of eggs. Well, we are going to share eggs with the guy that's going to be helping Frank build the coop, and of course we have family to share with...and maybe sell a few on the side to help pay for the chicken feed.

Sam and Jasper have adjusted since Nikki crossed the rainbow bridge. Sam's personality has altered somewhat, and he has different habits. They aren't bad, they are just different. He's taken to sleeping in the hallway, in front of the book shelves, and he stays near me. If Frank works over longer than usual, then Sam gets to stressing pretty hard.

Well, that's about it from this little farm for right now, I'll post some pictures later on.
Happy Fall!!!!