
Saturday, September 21, 2013

A coop a coop!!!!

My chicken stuff is growing!!! Its growing quite swiftly. Today my husband and his best friend of about a hundred years or more went to Lowes, and picked up a metal shed. Yup a metal shed, it will go up quicker, and cheaper than building a coop from scratch, and we can make it quite secure to keep unwanted wildlife out, and our girls in. Unfortunately its not going to be put together for a couple of weeks, we have to wait for the next weekend that my hubby and his buddy are both off again. The plan is to paint the inside white. Then they are going to put in ventilation around the top to keep the breeze off of the chickens, but to allow air flow so that nobody gets sick.  It will also help to keep everybody drier when it rains, or snows, or sleets, or hails or whatever the weather deems necessary. the best part is, its going to make putting everybody to bed go a whole lot quicker, because instead of having to shut them up in those little coops that we have for them, I will simply have to shut a door!!! 

In the spring, we have plans to get a rooster!! Yup, a rooster. I know I said I didn't want one, but well, in the end its going to be more economical than buying new chicks to grow for eggs, or butchering.  We are waiting for spring because we want to make sure that we make it through the winter with our current 8, without anybody getting sick. I know it sounds bad, but truly this is our first set of chickens, and its been a learn as we go kind of thing.

Well I guess that's about all for the moment. I'll post pictures as the building gets put up, and once we have everything set up, and everybody all snug in their new, bigger better home.

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