
Thursday, September 5, 2013

Fall is just around the corner

Technically its still summer, but for some reason, I always just transition into fall once September gets here. I can't help it. I think its because School starts on September third here. Some of the tree's have started turning, and the weather has cooled off some.

I've started my yearly Fall cleaning. I clean year round, but I guess twice a year I do big cleanings, purge stuff, wash curtains...all that good stuff. I'm hoping this weekend, while my hubby is off we can move furniture around in the living room so that we can steam clean the carpet.  Its still too warm out yet to turn off the AC, and throw open the windows and just let the whole house air out, but that's just around the corner.

My chickens are doing well!!! I'm getting between 4 and 5 eggs a day. Those are good numbers. Although having 8 chickens, I wish It was more than that, but well, I can't be pushy. Different breeds of chickens have way different laying habits. There are plans in the works to build a good size coop, and expand the run. Once that's done, we are going to add 4 more chickens. Yup, there are only 2 of us, and that's going to be a lot of eggs. Well, we are going to share eggs with the guy that's going to be helping Frank build the coop, and of course we have family to share with...and maybe sell a few on the side to help pay for the chicken feed.

Sam and Jasper have adjusted since Nikki crossed the rainbow bridge. Sam's personality has altered somewhat, and he has different habits. They aren't bad, they are just different. He's taken to sleeping in the hallway, in front of the book shelves, and he stays near me. If Frank works over longer than usual, then Sam gets to stressing pretty hard.

Well, that's about it from this little farm for right now, I'll post some pictures later on.
Happy Fall!!!!

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