
Friday, August 23, 2013

Update on us

Hi Everybody, I know its been a while since my last post. We've had a lot going on. Our 13 year old Siberian Husky Nikki started going down hill in a hurry, and required a lot of attention. We had to let her go last week. The only good part about her being gone is we know she is not suffering any longer.

Our chickens are doing great! They are really producing well. My hubby is making plans to build a bigger better coop that will give them more space in their run, and give them more room in their coops, and a better place to be when its raining. (I still haven't replaced the tarp on the top of their run...soon very soon) There are also plans to expand their run, and to add a few more chickens. We are planning on more red stars, some road island reds, and some easter eggers.  All of those are really good layers. We plan on getting some chicks from Tractor Supply in the spring.  I'm not quite sure how many we will be getting, but we do know that the plan is to butcher the roosters, and whatever chickens are not good layers next fall.  That is meat that we plan on canning, and putting up for the winter.

The peaches ended up being rather sad. What the deer didn't get, got stung by wasps, and rotted on the trees before we had a chance to blink. (that gets a big fat frowny face) we are going to get some fruit tree spray next spring and trying to give them a hand that way.  It looks like that's the only way we are going to get some without having to go out and buy them.

Well that's about it for this blog, I promise I will be back soon, with pictures, and some recipe's, and things like that.

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