
Friday, July 31, 2015

Rabbit Chili Recipe

As you all know, we raise rabbits for our own meat consumption. It's healthy, and it allows us to be able to feed ourselves without going broke. (Ok, I have to admit, I don't help with the butchering part)
But we love Chili here, I believe I've even posted a recipe or two before on chili.  
Ok, the first thing I did was I put the raw rabbit meat in the crock pot, with a lettuce stalk, a red onion and a bell pepper, and some salt and pepper. I put just enough water keep the meat from cooking dry. Then, I allowed it to cook over night on low. Once that was done, I took the meat out, and deboned it. and I put the meat, and the veggies, and a small amount of the broth in a big pan. Then I added some fresh diced tomatoes, some squash and zucchini (because lets face it you can put them in anything and they make a fresh healthy filler),  2 cans of kidney beans un drained, 2 cans of diced tomatoes, and a can of tomato past. Then I added a packet of seasoning powder, and mixed will. I then simmered on low on the stove for about 2-3 hours until everything was good and hot, and all the flavors had been able to come together.
This was really tasty, and was even better with a sprinkling of cheese and a dab of sour cream on top!!!

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