
Monday, June 2, 2014

Farming Stuff

Good Morning, and Happy Monday to you all!!! I hope everybody had a most wonderful weekend, and if you needed rest, I hope that you got lots of it!!!!  Things stayed busy here, as always.
On Friday the hubby had mowed the lawn, So I spent a lot of time on Saturday raking grass, and covering the chicken run as full of it as I could possibly get it. I stopped when the dogs (Sam and Jasper) decided they needed to be outside, and were trying to help me out. With Siberian Huskies, that is always lots of fun. But I did get a really good cover, and the next time Frank mows the lawn, I'll do the same thing. Only instead of making multiple trips with a bucket, I'm going to use the wheel barrel. I'll just pile it up, and fill my bucket from there. Its too big to fit through the door to get into the run, but it will save a lot of back ache. Of course, even though the chickens didn't eat it all, they did love digging through it, spreading it out, and eating their fill.

I've been trying to get bunny pictures for you guys, which are actually kind of hard to get. Mostly because I'm doing them by myself, so without somebody to hold them on the work surface, I can't get them. They will hop off, and then will have to be caught.  So, I got a  halfway decent shot of Betty (the Brown/Chocolate bunny) She is my favorite, I think she's the prettiest out of all 5 of the Silver Fox Bunnies. And then, there is the Blue Bunny (although I would have called that Grey if I have to be honest, BUT in the fur world, grey is not grey, grey is blue.) Doris, she is holding up fairly well, considering last week she gave birth to 14 kits. (of course none of them survived) 

Over the weekend, we rebred Doris, to try to prevent her from getting Mastitis. Fred, our buck did pretty good, and it would turn out, he was good and ready. Doris did resist, so she had to be held in place. We decided that while we were breeding, we would go ahead and breed Ginger as well, so that we had two kindling at once. Ginger did not resist the first breeding...but when we did the second breeding on Sunday, Doris did not resist, BUT Ginger was quite resistive, and had to be removed from Fred's cage before anybody got hurt. I'm hoping that means she took on Saturday. According to our favorite book (Story's Guide to Raising Rabbits, written by Bob Bennett) it says we are supposed to breed them again in 10 days.

The last picture on here, is one of five of my Silver Lace Wyandotte Roosters that I've been trying my hardest to sell. Now the only reason I've been advertising is because we just haven't had time to do a butcher, so I thought, well, I'll just put them up for $5 and maybe I'll have some luck. Nope, everybody wants me to just give them away. Now, I'm fairly certain that I'm not being unreasonable by wanting something for these guys, because for starters, I didn't get them for free, and I've spent way more than the $5 to feed and raise them. When we do have time to butcher, we will still be getting something out of them, we will be getting meat for our freezer, or the pantry, depending on weather we can or freeze them.

On todays agenda, is the regular farm work, laundry, dishes, and I have some soft potatoes that I'm going to give to the worms today. I think my worms will be having a happy day, because on top of the potatoes, I will be cleaning out the bunny cages, so they will be getting some fresh bunny poop. They have really thrived, and gotten super happy since they have started getting worm poop.

Well, I supposed I've rattled on long enough!!! Hope you all have a great start to the new week!!!

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