
Saturday, May 31, 2014

Happy Chickens

Spring and summer is a great time for the chickens. Not because of the warmer weather, but because that's grass mowing season.  What happens when the grass gets mowed??? The chickens get fresh cut grass...and lots of it!! They will spend an entire day scratching and eating grass.  I took lots of pictures of these guys getting their eat on, but with the proximity of the sun, and my shadow, they didn't all turn out very well. So I picked the better of the bunch to share with you all.

In just a month or two, a lot of my pullets will come into egg laying. Right now, I'm averaging about a dozen a day out of my 14 layers. I do have days where I get 13 and 14 eggs, just not everyday.  The 4 remaining girls from the original 8, are indeed still giving me eggs. They don't lay every day, or even regularly, but that's ok, they were there in the beginning, and as long as they don't start eating eggs, they will have a nice long run with us...even if they do stop laying. I know we aren't in this for pet chickens, but since those 4 are part of the first, I don't see where it could possibly hurt.

I think the chickens I'm most excited about getting eggs from are my Easter Eggers. I should hopefully start getting something from them in July or August. They aren't fast maturing birds.  I just cannot wait to see what color eggs they will give me. Its an exciting thought in all reality. I'm used to getting white, brown, or cream colored eggs, so it will be fun to break up the monotony.
I only have 4 colored egg layers right now, but we have some more coming here next month. We went in with somebody else and ordered some. We had to order 15 of them, which stinks, because the guy we went in with only wants 5, and that's going to leave me with 10 extra birds that I don't completely have room for, unless the rabbits take off this summer, and I can get another kennel to extend the chicken run. (Sales from the rabbits would pay for the chicken run) (sales from chicken eggs will fund the animal feed)

Alright, that's about it from my end!!! I know its been a two blog day, and not everybody is interested in reading about my farm stuff, so I'll end it now since this was a chatty blog this time!!!
Enjoy the sunshine!!! I know I am!!!

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