
Saturday, May 24, 2014

Doggy Fun, and hatching Eggs

As you all can see, Bella is getting along with Sam and Jasper. She's not trained to the fence yet, but that's not something that happens over night.  So for now, we have her on a lead to play with the boys. They run, and play, and just wear themselves out pretty hard. They all 3 come in and promptly fall asleep.

I sold my first batch of hatching eggs. I sold 2 dozen Rhode Island Red Eggs. I threw in a few bonus eggs, for good show. Its kind of fun knowing that Sinatra's offspring will be spreading about the land. He really has been an awesome rooster, so the fact that his Legacy will be living on, is just fun.
Although, Martin has started making sweet Rooster Love to the ladies, so if we want to get Sinatra's offspring, we'll have to take and move him and a few girls together, and wait a few weeks, and get his offspring.

The weather looks to be leveling out here, its completely awesome. Today there is a nice breeze blowing, and the sun is shining. The day just couldn't get any nicer!!!

I hope everybody has a great Memorial Day, and please, take the time to reflect upon what its actually all about...remember its not about BBQ's and Beer, and good Sales...Its about those that died for our freedom.

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