
Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Early Nester, or False Pregnancy???

On May 30th, we bred two of our does, Ginger (pictured above) and Doris, who had, had a batch of kits last month, but none of them made it due to her high stress level of being put in a new home.  This morning, when I went out to check everybody for the morning feed, and water filling, I came out and saw Ginger, and had about a half a heart attack. I had never really seen a rabbit pulling her fur to make a nest before. I had seen what I thought was fur pulling, but was indeed not fur pulling. Once I realized what I was seeing, I calmed down, finished with everything, and then went ahead and put the nest box in with her, so that she would be able to do, just whatever it was she felt she needed to do.
Then I went and got a basket full of hay, and have been putting handfuls of hay in there, so that I could see what she was going to do. Well, she started carrying it around, and has been working on making her own little nest.

When I talked to one of my rabbit sources this morning, she told me that it could very well be a false pregnancy, from what she has herd. Ginger is 2 weeks away from kindling if she is pregnant. But it would seem that some are early pullers as well. She's had them pull as early as 10 days. So at this point, it truly is any ones guess. So, I have a feeling its going to be a long two weeks wait. My plan is to just make sure she has everything she needs to keep doing whatever it is she feels she needs to do, make sure her water stays fresh, and that she does have plenty to eat.

Now, Doris, our Blue SF that we bred at the same time isn't doing anything like this, so I'll just keep on keeping on like I have been with her. SO now with this news, and these pictures, you all can wait with me!!! (but we should know something by July 2nd!!!)

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