
Friday, November 1, 2013


Its hard to believe its already time to take down the Halloween decorations, and start digging out what few Thanksgiving decorations I have. This year has basically flown by in what seems to be the blink of an eye...who knows maybe the weeping angels got me and I just don't remember it.

The baby chicks are 8 days old already. They have doubled in size, and are getting tiny little feathers on the tips of their wings. They truly are adorable. We are constantly changing out the bedding though because of the amount they poo...which is a lot!!!

We ordered some baby chicks. I need to go to the post office and find out how the delivery is going to work out on that. Depending on who is delivering the mail that day, they might not make it to our house until after 3. That's crazy, its this one lady who is incredibly slow, and if you have a package too big for your mail box, she will either try to make it fit, or sit at the bottom of the driveway and honk...we can't hear that!!! Always, I'm hoping that they are going to tell me I'll have to come in and get them, because I'll be there when the does open. We ordered 10 chicks. 5 white leg horns, and 5 Rhode Island Reds, and they are all girls. I'm fairly excited. We plan on doing a cull before too much longer. We are going to try to wait as long as we can, but with these 7, and them 10 more should they all survive, and then whatever hatches we will need to. Don't want to over crowed anybody.  Just want everybody to be healthy and happy. And yes, we are extending the run to make sure everybody has lots of space to run and play and do chicken stuff.

Well, I'm going to say good night. The hour is late. So I'll leave you with these pictures and wish you all a happy November....thought I would ad in some grown up pictures too, so you know we still love our girls.

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