
Friday, November 15, 2013

Winter eggs and baby chicks

Every chicken keeper knows that when it comes to winter time there are a few downfalls to having chickens. Those things are going out in the cold, keeping the flock warm, keeping the winter predators out, freezing water, and what I think is the worst part..less of those glorious eggs.  Yup, with less light, means less eggs. But take heart, there is a solution!!! As long as you have electricity in your chicken house you can hook up lights, and where as it might not put you back up to full production, it will help!!!

We installed some lights, and put them on a timer. They come on about 3 AM, and go off around 11 AM.  That helps to insure that they are getting at least 14 hours of light 

Our next step, is to install the heater that just came via FedEx. I wasn't expecting that until unfortunately, I had the dogs out running and playing, and the package was left in the middle of the driveway....he could have at least honked the gotten or something. That might be something we will go ahead and install this evening to make sure it works.

We ordered 10 baby chicks from this company in Texas called Ideal. My babies arrived this morning. They are all happy and healthy, and adorable. Well, the company sent us an additional 11 chicks for warmth during shipping. They were free so I'm not about to complain. They are all black star rooster chicks.  The down side is I'm already attached!!! Ah well...what will be.

The 7 we hatched out are growing swiftly!!! They are now gangly teenagers, and will be going outside probably Sunday morning once we know for sure that the heater is working properly. I'll be sad that they won't be in here with me, but those 21 new baby chicks will be needing that space within a few days time. They really do grow so fast.

And lastly, I've been making hot breakfast for my flock that's already outside. I take their feed, some honey and got water and mix it together. They love it!!!

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