
Thursday, November 21, 2013

Chicks, Chicks, and more chicks

Its so hard to believe we've only been raising Chickens since June, we've really grown with this. We put up a house for them, built a giant roost, got an incubator, heater, hatched out our first chicks, ordered chicks, and are about to hatch out some more chicks.

This Sunday, our incubator goes into lock down, which means that those eggs will be hatching out on Tuesday or Wednesday.  If everything goes right, all 32 of those eggs are going to hatch out. No, we don't plan on keeping all of those chicks, I'm only planning to keep about 3 maybe 4 of them at the most. It looks like we have a buyer for the others. 

The first 7 chicks that we hatched out will be 5 weeks old tomorrow, and are still growing quickly. They are doing great out there in the Coop in the chicken house. They seem to be happy. The little black Star chicks are taking after their daddy it looks like, and are starting to turn brown around the neck and chest. Its kind of hard to get pictures of them right now, but as soon as I can, I will.  The big chickens don't seem to mind them at all. They look in there, and talk to them some. Our big Rooster seems to be a bit more protective of the Chickens right now, but he's not being aggressive to us.

So far, we seem to have some kind of magical luck with our chickens. We haven't had any of those many issues that people talk about with the health of chickens. Our rooster is a good guy, he's not aggressive, he's actually kind of funny, and has good control over the gals.  Our Chicks have all been healthy, we haven't had problems with splay leg, or sticky bottoms, and they have all survived. (this is where I knock on wood)

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