
Sunday, December 21, 2014

Gathering for the next hatch

I started selecting eggs today, that will be going in my incubator as soon as this carton is full. I'm only planning on setting an 18 pack of eggs this time around. I only want to do a small hatching, because these guys will be in the house a bit longer because its winter time. That's OK though, since its a small batch.

This hatching should truly be interesting, because my Easter Egg roosters have fertilized a lot more eggs than my Rhode Islands have. I can honestly say, I have no clue what to expect from this one. We've only kept Rhode Islands up until this point, so I'm kind of slightly excited to see what's going to come from this. The one's I'm truly excited to see, are the Leghorn/Rhode Island crosses that I have, because the EE roosters seem quite fond of those, so taking a mutt, and then breeding it with whats kind of considered a mutt, should make for an even more interesting mutt.

This spring however, we will be separating the Easter Egg Hens and Roosters out from everybody else. Right now, we are just keeping them all together because its winter. If all goes well though, and we can get another house for the chickens, we shouldn't have to put them back together when winter arrives, we will be able to keep them separate, and continue to hatch as we please.

I'm kind of enjoying the fact that these guys will hatch out after the first of the year sometime. They will be the first ones of the year 2015. I'm hoping that I have a decent hatch rate, and that I do have more girls than boys though. (ha ha)  I'm not sure how many other people are planning to set up their incubators in December, but I will say this, they are my kind of people!!!!

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