
Friday, December 26, 2014

And the Eggs are in the Incubator!!!!

So, yesterday morning (On Christmas Morning) I set 20 eggs to hatch. I was only going to do 18, but then I got two perfect beautiful green eggs, and I could not resist setting them as well. So, I have 9 green eggs in the incubator set to hatch along with the rest. Now, I cannot tell you who the fathers will be. I don't know if they are Rhode Island Red, or Easter Egg, but I do know this, its a great mix!!! Some of the eggs are Rhode Island/White Leghorn Mix as it is, and I do know I've seen the Easter Egg roosters flirting with those if you catch my drift, so I'm fairly certain we will have added to that mix a bit more. (Those will either be super ugly chickens, or really pretty)

I do know that I'm about to start putting up some of the verified pullets for sale. They are already very used to being outside, and I've started mixing layer pellets in with their feed, so they will be good to go on that end of things. Plus they should be ready to start laying in March/April depending on what all is mixed in with them.

I don't know about the rest of you all, but I did sleep in this morning after having a big Christmas dinner, and then staying up to watch the Doctor Who Christmas special. (And I learned what I always suspected, Santa's sleigh uses Tardis makes since, I mean, how else does he fit all of those toys in there)

Well, I should get myself motivated a bit more for the day!!!
Everybody enjoy the rest of the season, and take advantage of these warmer days if you have them!!!
(It's been in the 50's here)

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