
Friday, August 29, 2014

Lots of pictures!!!!

I decided that I hand't taken enough pictures of my chickens here lately. I thought that perhaps they may be feeling left out, since I've been spending so much extra time with the rabbits.  As you can see, everybody is growing, and eating, and eating and growing!!!!
This evening I had decided to go up there a little bit early, because we've been going ahead and doing some preventative worm treating. Well, I'm so glad that I did!!! I have these crates that I use in there that have holes in them. They are like milk crates, well, one of my Easter Egg pullets, had stuck her head through one of the holes, and got her head stuck. Her feathers were preventing her from getting it back out. So I pulled on a pair of gloves, just in case she decided to peck at me while I was helping her, and carefully pushed her feathers through there, and got her head unstuck. That crate wasn't serving a purpose at that moment in time, so I just took it out of the run. I have some extra cinder blocks that I'm going to use in there instead of those crates, so that, hopefully that doesn't happen again.

Ginger is due this Sunday, and I noticed this evening that she has started pulling fur. Not a lot, but enough that it makes me wonder if I'm not going to get up in the morning to find a nest box full of fur and babies. As you all recall, she was the one who pulled a whole bunch of fur, and made a nest the one time, even though she wasn't pregnant. She had a really good false pregnancy. Well, we are positive she's having babies this time.

Everybody is growing swiftly baby wise. Doris's babies are much smaller than Ethel's, but then Doris is a much smaller rabbit than Ethel, even though they are the same breed.
Now for some Sad news, and some glad news.
This morning, when I went out to feed and fill the water bottles in the rabbit house, Ethel was very loving and seemed a bit upset. I saw why, the chocolate bunny was laying on the wire, I pulled the little guy out, and he/she was still alive, but was so cold, and had quite the cut on the top of it's little head. So, I took him in and was trying to get him warmed up as best I could. I put some Neosporin on the cut, and was thinking that perhaps if I could get him warm, and the bleeding to stop I'd have him back in the nest box before the end of the day, and the next feeding. Frank brought out the brooder heater, and we covered the heat part with a towel, and put the little guy on top of that and covered him with a towel. Then we turned the heat on in the bathroom. Unfortunately, he didn't make it.
I went back out to finish feeding and to check the rest of the babies in her nest box...there was another one missing. It was one of the black ones. I checked the cage, and the ground, nothing. Sadly, I was thinking that he must have gotten eaten, or something along those lines. Well, I had to go out this morning to get a prescription refilled and to pick up a couple of things. It was around noon when I got home, and had the egg basket, and was going up the hill to gather eggs. I spotted this little black thing in the grass near the woods (so this is 4-5 hours later). My first thought was, is that a baby skunk, or a rat??? I decided I had to go and look, because I didn't want either around the rabbit house. I ended up doing a half jog!!! It was the missing baby bunny!!!! Other than having a little tiny cut on his head, there was nothing wrong with him/her!!! The little thing was just moving along, I scooped it up and held it close to me, trying not to cry at this happy find!!!! I took him back in to the nest box, and put it back in with its brothers and sisters. When I checked on him again this evening at the final check, he was just as happy as can be!!! Snuggled in. I did see where he got/fell out of the cage. some of the wire on the cage had broken, so Frank fixed that for me as soon as he had dinner, and before he went to work.

So, now that you are all caught up on the farm pictures and news, will let you know how all goes with Ginger!!!!

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