
Saturday, July 5, 2014

worms, rabbits, chickens, haircuts, and crocheting

So, as you can see by the title of my post, I've got a bit of everything going on!!!
I love taking pictures of stuff, as you can tell, and I'm probably not going to go in the order of the pictures as they are posted, but I'm fairly certain you will be able to figure it out.

Well, my worms are loving the rabbit poo!!! They are eating and reproducing like crazy. I decided that I needed to feed them some fresh compost today though rather than the rabbit poo, so I gave them some Gooseberries that we had picked, and got left sitting a little bit too long. So those got sent through the blender, so that my worms would eat them a bit quicker. I do plan on giving them some more worm poop though this week. I've got to clean my inside bunny cages, so they will be getting worm poo quite soon.

Speaking of Rabbits, there are no baby bunnies to report. It looks like Ginger had a very false pregnancy, and Doris just didn't take. It almost doesn't surprise me about Doris though. She had a really hard labor the other month. I'm kind of glad that she didn't take, because I honestly think she needed the recovery time. We will be rebreeding probably on Monday and Tuesday. I'm hoping that Fred isn't going to be a dud, in the stud department. fingers crossed everybody!!!

My little Leghorn mix Chicks are doing pretty well. Out of the 12, its looking like I have 7 roosters. (Go figure) I'm thinking that there's a good possibility that when I had those Marans roosters, they may have been a bit active. One of my pullets, looks like a Marans, so I plan on holding tight to her to see what she ends up doing for me.

My hair had gotten quite long. It was actually in the middle of my back, and making my head hurt, and it was just so thick and heavy that I was getting migraine headaches from it. So I gave in and went to Walmart and got it cut off. This is actually how I used to keep my hair cut anyways, but time hasn't been on my side lately. It feels awesome though.

I picked up some really pretty yarn, and couldn't wait to get started using it, so I picked out a nice simple round ripple throw pattern that I've had forever. I've been wanting to make that for a while, and this pretty yellow and white variegated yarn just seemed to have this patterns name written all over it. I'll post pictures of it when/if I get it done!!!

I hope everybody had a great 4th of July weekend! Mine went fairly well. Frank had to work, but that's ok, we don't really do much of anything anyways. I just sort of kicked back with the dogs, and watched people get hacked up on Lifetime Movie Network. (You know, Movies made for women, really are quite violent at times)

Well, hope everybody enjoys the rest of their weekend!!! Be safe, and if you've got to drink, please don't drive!!!

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