
Tuesday, April 22, 2014

a little personal

As you all know, I don't normally get too personal on here, I usually keep it about the happenings of things around here.  Right now, my hopes are pretty high.

As some of you all may or may not know, last summer our Oldest Husky Nikki crossed over the Rainbow Bridge. Its left a huge gaping hole in our lives. Everybody who knew her, couldn't help but to love her. Her presence is missed even now so many months later. We've been thinking and talking about and searching for a new girl to come and help with the healing. We even went to the animal shelter, with a leash, in hopes of bringing home a new girl. We came home empty handed, and down trodden.  We've answered many adds on Craigslist, only to find out that some wanted a huge re homing fee that was just incredible. Sometimes the dog had already been rehomed, and sometimes they owner changed their mind at the last minute.  Well, yesterday Frank found an add on there he wanted me to look at. So I sit down with my cup of coffee, and I take a look...and I look, and I look, and then emotions overtook me. I cried. This 3 year old vision of beauty just stole my heart right then and there. Her name is Carmel, and she needs a good home with people who have lots of time for her. Once I was able to stop crying and get control of myself, I answered, hoping for a great answer.
Well to make a long story short, she is coming here tomorrow, to meet everybody, and hopefully to stay with us forever. Somehow I think the timing must have finally been right for us to bring home somebody new to love. Just her beautiful face, was a balm on my aching heart.

Ok...sorry, I'm all done with the emotions for now. I will hopefully be able to share lots and lots of pictures with all of you tomorrow. I'm currently taking a morning coffee break. I got up early to work on rearranging things. She will be coming with a crate, because that's what she's used to sleeping in. Not because she has to, but because some dogs just do that. So, since she's going to be adjusting, I'm not going to take that away from her. If she needs it for the rest of her life, then so be it.

Right now, I want to take a moment to thank all of my readers for following along and reading this blog. I know that sometimes its probably a little corny, and a little different. It's a fun blog I hope, and in it I share my learning experiences, and many different things...and learning I have done a lot of.
I hope to continue to bring you all different recipes, pictures of animals, and things that are happening on our ever growing 3 acre farm. Some people think we are indeed a little crazy, and I love the looks on family members faces when we tell them what we are doing next. But in the end, we're happy, and we have each other. (Even if sometimes one of us thinks the other is nuts, we chug on along anyways)

So from the bottom of my heart, to all of you, Thank you for sticking with me, thank you for reading, and have a fantastic week, all of you.

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