
Sunday, May 17, 2015

Planting, Planting, and more planting

Hello!!!! It's been a few days since my last post. Frank and I have been on the busy side with getting the garden prepped and planted. In the back garden, we planted tomatoes, lots of squash, egg plants, jalapenos 2 rows of okra, and a whole lot of green beans. Then this morning we planted a pack of pumpkins in 2 different locations. We planted them in the compost pile, and in a random dirt pile that we keep trying to decide what to do with.

Then we have been talking about turning part of the front yard into a veggie garden for a few years, and decided to just go for it today. We planted 3 more mounds of yellow squash, 3 more mounds of zucchini and then 3 mounds of patty pan squash. Tomorrow I have to pick up some cucumber seeds, and some bell pepper plants, and a few more tomato plants. If the front yard works out this year, we are going to work it up better, and then have 2 permanent garden spots. Truly, one can never have too many fresh veggies!!!! (although this means, I'm going to have to start picking up more canning jars of course)

Bella was involved in her first ground hog killing. Thankfully Jasper was with her, or I think things could have went even worse for her than they did. Walker hounds are not meant to be killers, just trackers, and treeing dogs.  It big her ear, her lip and her paw. Once Jasper was able to get her out of his way, he grabbed it, and he and Sam took it out together and neither one of them got a scratch on them. This was the biggest ground hog we've seen in the yard in a long time. People tend to think its cruel that we let our dogs kill a ground hog, but they don't understand that those things would demolish my entire garden!!!! I got a pic of the 3 of them with the big thing.

I wish I would have gotten a pic of the teeth on this thing!!! They were huge!!!

Well, that's it from here today. I need to get settled in and ready to watch the Lizzie Borden Chronicles on Lifetime. I am surprisingly hooked on that series.

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