
Friday, January 2, 2015

Welcome 2015

Hello Everybody, and Welcome to 2015!!! I know I'm a day or two behind on this post, but that's one of the things that happens when you live in my world sometimes!!!

I hope everybody had a very wonderful New Years Eve Celebration. Frank and I had a pretty good one here. We watched an AC/DC concert on the TV with the dogs sleeping all around. (Yup, we like to rock out now and again) and just had a nice quiet evening at home. Then on New Years day, we went to my in-laws for a traditional New Years day lunch. We had black eye peas, cabbage, pork loin, and mashed potatoes. It's supposed to be lucky to eat those things on the first day of the year, so hopefully it will bring lots of luck, especially with everything we are working on here on the farm.

This year will hopefully bring lots of new and exciting things for me to share with you all. We are planning on Expanding our rabbits into New Zealand rabbits, once the rabbit house is finally complete. Plus we are working on starting our own small scale hatchery so that we can sell started pullets. We will be hatching out Rhode Island Reds, Easter Eggers, and Tetra Tints, which is a mix of Rhode Island Red and White Leghorn. They are pretty birds, and excellent layers. We have a hand full of them in our flock right now, and I just love them. Its almost a shame that they wont breed true.

So we will be putting up two new buildings with attached runs in the coming year, a building and run just for the Easter Eggers, and a building with a small run for us to be able to hatch out the chicks, with an attached grow out pin. Now we fully intend to keep the grow out pin that's on the end of our current run as a grow out pin.  Whats going to happen is all of the roosters that we hatch out will go in there until they are big enough to go to freezer camp. Unfortunately nobody wants a rooster unless they plan on doing their own hatching. But that's the bad part of hatching is the high amount of rooster's that hatch out. Then again, if you are like us, and like to produce your own meat, its not entirely too bad, except for you almost end up having to eat chicken every night. (Thank goodness for cook books and internet recipes.)

This year I also plan on bringing you all lots of new recipes, and I have some crochet patterns in the work for free and for sale. (the sales help me to be able to buy the yarn to keep bringing free patterns along with the for sale patterns.)

So, in closing, I'd like to wish you and your families a very happy new year, filled with lots of love, luck, and good health.

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