
Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Getting Ready

January is almost over, seed catalogs have started arriving in the mail, and stores have started tempting us with colorful packets of vegetable seeds.  For us caners/gardeners this is like a pre season sports play off!!! Unfortunately here in Virginia the ground is still frozen, and its just a tad bit early to get the seeds started. (Unless you do container gardens, then you are probably just fine)

There is however, much to be done to start getting ready! For starters, take a complete inventory of your canning supplies. How many lids do you have? If you don't have enough to get through the first few canning sessions, get out there now and start stocking up while there are plenty to be had. Rings never seem to be much of a problem for me. Somehow, I seem to have more rings than I do jars. Now though, is a great time to go through them, and recycle the ones that are rusty and flaky. Check over your jars. Look for chips and cracks. Nothing is worse than discovering a chipped/cracked canning jar in the midst of the canning frenzy.

Once you have checked your canning supplies, now is the time to go over your equipment. Check the ring on your pressure canner. Go over it and clean it well. The same goes for your water bath caner. It won't have a seal in the lid, but you still need to make sure its clean. Cleanliness is one of the number one rules of canning.

Now is also a great time to clean and organize your pantry. Make sure everything is labeled, and that the oldest is in the front. That's common sense there, so you probably already know that.

This is the perfect time to plan your garden. What do you want to plant, how much do you want to plant, and how many people are you feeding. Do you want to plant from seed, or buy started plants from local nurseries. These are all great things to think about and consider. (We are about to get our tomato plants started) (We are planning on a lot of tomatoes this year) One of the biggest questions to ask yourself as you are planning your garden, if you are thinking big, if you have a good crop turn out, will you have time to deal with all of the produce, and what are your plans for preserving it.

Well, I think I've covered most of the pre season gardening tips. If you have any, please feel free to share them in the comments below!!!

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