
Saturday, October 26, 2013

Saturday Post (no pics sorry)

Hey everybody!!! Sorry I'm a bit late getting my regularly scheduled Saturday post up, its been one of those days. Not in a bad way, but a busy day.

First off, let me tell you the bad news. I killed the celery for sure. So, I'm going to have to start that over, but not do what I did....which was over watering it, and then I added coffee grounds thinking that it would be a good idea, but I don't think it was, since the celery wilted and died after that.

Ok, now lets start with Thursday. The eggs that were due...or at least we thought they were, hatched!!! All 7 of the ones that we had confirmed as being alive, and well hatched!! And they truly are alive and well, and chirping. I know who the parents are of 6 of them, Those would be from the Red Star, and the Black star. We have a little striped one that's just absolutely adorable, I don't know who the parents are of that little fellow...well I do know who the father is, just not the mother.  They started the process before we got up Thursday morning, So I'm estimating sometime after 3:30 AM, because I was up once and for some reason looked in on them while I was up. Frank woke me up around 6:30 am to tell me that there was action in the incubator...well I jumped out of that bed in a hurry. I don't think I've ever moved that fast in my entire life.  5 of the eggs had little spots where the chicks had managed to peck little holes in them. Then about an hour later the last 2 eggs got the little holes in them. I believe the first Chick hatched around 11:30 AM. The last 2 eggs hatched before midnight, so it was a long exciting day.

Last night I went to the Midnight Mystery Quilting Bee at the Quilters Cabin in Woodstock.  That was a lot of fun, somebody even brought a cooler full of wine. that part actually cracked me up. I did partake and have a glass, but only one, and early in the evening because I knew that I had to drive, and I was operating a machine with sharp pointy objects on it.  But the lady that designed the mystery quilt, didn't realize just how much she had put into it, and we didn't get them done. But we do have the instructions to finish. I worked on it some this evening but didn't get it done. That's ok though, I'm going to work on it over the next couple of days to get it finished.

Well, I'm going to end this for now. I plan on posting many pictures later on. The network that my phone runs off of isn't acting right so its not allowing me to post pictures on here. Hopefully it will be, behaving itself tomorrow.  I may have to just take pictures with a regular digital camera and do it that way vs my phone.

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