
Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Breeding Bunnies

Today, we finally Bred Cadburry and Pinkerton...remember the two bunnies we bought at Easter last year??? Yeah, we have finally put them together for the first time. I'm rather eager to see what Cad produces, She's NZ mixed with Unknown pet bunny, so it's hard to tell what we're going to get. I can tell you, that she only tolerated Pink for a really short amount of time...she let him fall off of her twice for the first mating, and then she tried to fight him, and then the second time she let him fall off once, and then Frank had to get her out of his cage quickly. So, in a month, we shall see what we get from her (hopefully she took)

Tomorrow I'm planning on putting Fred and Ethel together, and then this weekend, I'm going to have Frank help me get Betty and Bob together. Bob has a low sitting cage, and I just don't bend, so he will have to help me get that. We really do have to get Betty bred so that we can make sure she's going to give us babies. (We've had her for almost a year already) And then We've had Bob for a couple of months now, and need to make sure he's not going to be shooting blanks. So...Spring will come with Baby Bunnies!!!!

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