
Tuesday, November 4, 2014


In November, on Facebook, there are tons of people who do the 30 days of what they are thankful for, and by the 5th day, you can really tell some people are stretching pretty hard. I've decided to share my list of things I'm thankful for here with you all. It may not seem like a huge list, but its the important things, and not material things.

1. My husband.  Yes, my husband is at the top of my list. Frank takes such great care of me, and when I'm having a bad day, he does what he can to help me around the house. He helps me with the animals, and does the nasty parts that I can't handle...and he kills spiders for me. We have a great partnership in our marriage, and it works out fantastically.

2. My family. My family is there for us, as we are there for them. Its great to be able to spend the time and make the memories with them that we do.

3. Health.  We may not be 100% all the time, but we are alive, and kicking, so that means an awful lot right there

4. Our Friends. What is life without good friends to celebrate with??? To share the good times, and the bad??? And to maybe help out with some of the yucky farm stuff

5. The Animals that give their lives to feed us.  Lets face it, Even the meat we buy at the grocery store was once alive, and had to die to get there. So I always give thanks to those animals that we raise up, and love, and care for, that end up in our pantry.

6. Living in a Free country.  Yes, living in America as a woman, I have so much more freedom than women in other countries do. I have the right to wear what I want, go where I want, and basically do what I want, so long as I'm not breaking any laws. I can worship how I want, and I got to choose my husband. I was even allowed to be Educated the same way the men/boys in my class were.

Now yes, that may have seemed like a very short list, and I am thankful that I have some of those material things, but that's all they are, material things, and they don't count the way the things that made my thankful list do. I didn't want a silly list, or a repeat of things that are basically the same, but worded differently.

I hope you all are celebrating your family and freedom, as well.  I would love it if you shared some of the things you are thankful for in the comments below.

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