
Monday, September 9, 2019

Monday blues

Good Morning! I'm sitting here with my coffee and waiting for the weather to come back on. From the looks of those skies outside, we're about to get some rain. It's Monday, and that means there is lots and lots to do today. I'm hoping to steal some time to get upstairs into my sewing room. I hope to be able to get at least 2 of the smaller quilts sitting on my sewing table bound.

Since we get up so early through the week, Mishka, Jasper, and Bella are all having their morning naps. Sam is outside, which is one of the reasons I watch the weather so closely when it looks like that. He likes it outside this time of the year, however, he gets ear infections easily so I can't let him stay out in the rain. That crazy dog will actually lay there in the rain and not ask to come in.

Depending on how today goes, I have another recipe that should hopefully use up the last of the pumpkin I have sitting in the fridge. I'm going to triple the recipe though so that I can send the extra cookies to work with Frank so that they aren't here in the house tempting us too awfully bad.  I'll be sharing the recipe with you all if they turn out to be tasty.

Also, when I share recipes and patterns and such, I would love it if you all shared these posts with your friends. I'd love to see this blog grab a little more traction so that I can get a feel for what everyone likes and doesn't like. I really enjoy writing this blog, but I want to make sure my audience enjoys what I write as well. It's always hard to tell based on the number of views that I get. (and the fact that I have no actual followers listed) I'm not complaining at all, because I know it is hit or miss when it comes to this sort of thing with the number of people that write blogs. I'm not trying to get famous or anything like that either. I just enjoy what I do, and hope you all enjoy it as well...that's all.

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