
Thursday, September 5, 2019

Growing Garlic in pots

Yup, I'm at it again, growing stuff in my kitchen. I had seen a thing on Pinterest where this lady was growing garlic in her kitchen window. Now if I would have been smart, I would have planted them so that I wouldn't have 5 ready at once, but nobody said I was smart.

I wasn't entirely sure where to buy garlic this time of the year, as it's not really planting season, so to YouTube I went. Come to find out as long as I only wanted garlic flavour and nothing fancy I could just buy some from the produce that's what I did. Now I bought organic because the non organic supposedly has a chemical sprayed on it to keep it from sprouting. In all honesty there isn't a price difference so it didn't really bother me.

I had some garden soil left over from when I did some container gardening over the summer, and found some pots on clearance for twenty cents each.  So I bought 5 of them, came home and set to work.

I cracked apart my garlic head and pulled 5 of the bigger cloves off. I wasn't entirely sure if it made much of a difference. I stuck them in with the skin still on, pointy end up. Then I have them a good watering, and set them on the porch and ignored them. Two weeks later, I had nothing and figured it didn't work. Then it stormed and the pots turned into soup, because there were no drain holes. I poured the water out and walked away. Later that week, I had 2 sprouts!!! I was insanely excited. I brought them in and put them in my kitchen window. I anxiously watched the other 3 pots. After about a week I decided to dig in some more. 1 clove was just must have came out in the rain. The other 2 were mush. So I did what anyone else would do. I planted again. These all came up at different times but they all came up. The last one this morning.

It turns out, it takes 9 months for Garlic to be ready, so I have about 8 months to go before I can harvest my first 2 heads. If they don't die, I'll share the harvest pictures with you all!!!

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