
Thursday, January 16, 2014

Two New Layers

OK, so its only exciting to us, but the two girls from our first batch of chicks have started laying. the fact that they both gave us eggs on the same day is even more exciting. Believe it or not, they are 4 months old already!!!  Time sure does fly when your having fun. The really neat thing is that both of these girls, who have the same parents, have given us 2 different colored eggs, one being lighter than the other. The one egg is the same color as the red star egg, that's the darker tan colored one. 
The Red Star Chicken is what is known as a Sex Link. Sex links are bred by breeding two specific breeds together, and it will produce a chicken that lays really awesome eggs, and when they hatch out as chicks, you can tell weather they are boys or girls. The Red Star girls come out a reddish color, and the boys come out kind of white.  Now this trait will not pass on to whatever hatches out of their eggs. These two girls however because of their parents should be decent layers.
This isn't the first time we've had beginning layers, but it is the first time we've raised Chickens from Hatchling to layers.

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