
Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Good Morning!!!!

One of my favorite times to spend with my chickens is in the morning when I first open the doors to their house. Some come ripping out into the run to check the ground for bugs or bits of grass, or just whatever may be out there for them. Some of them decide that its time to eat and flock around the feeders.  And then some just jump up on the roost and watch to see what I'm doing or if I have any special treats in my pockets for them.  The two in the bottom picture I'm hoping will lay colored eggs for me. I'm not sure what eggs they hatched out of, but they are from my last batch that I hatched out, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that they came out of the olive eggs that hatched out.
I got my Mc Murry hatchery catalog in the mail the other day, and it would seem its easy to spend hours pouring over one of those catalogs. By the time I was done looking at it, I had marked how many of each I wanted by the pictures of the chicks, and it would seem I want way more chickens than I have room for. I'm fairly certain though that Mc Murry would have had no problems whatsoever taking my money for that particular order.
This morning some of my young roosters (from the first batch of chicks we hatch out last year), have decided to be aggressive. I think maybe they were testing the waters...well one of them thought he was going to attack me, and he thought wrong. I don't think he will be trying that again any time soon. I think next month we will be processing some of those rooster chicks. We were hoping that the roosters from the last batch we hatched out would be able to be big enough for butchering at the same, but I don't think those boys are going to let us wait that long. Poor Sinatra ( my head rooster) is showing signs of battle. He has some bald patches from where it looks like they have been challenging  him. 

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