
Tuesday, January 7, 2014

What a day!!!!

We've been having some epic cold weather, that the all important weather people are calling an Artic Vortex....which basically means that everybody is cold no matter where you are. It made for quite the day here. We had to keep the chickens shut in their house where it was warm, and we didn't have to worry about frost bitten combs. My hubby has taken care of them the last two days because of the ice out in the yard.  Apparently the chickens like him better than they like me, because they have given us a good number of eggs over the last 2 days. they've given us 11 eggs in 2 days...just 1 shy of a dozen. Really for this kind of weather that's not bad.  Its calling to get down to 2 degrees tonight, I'm not sure what the wind chill is going to make that.  But I do know early this morning we had a wind chill of  -15.   Thankfully tomorrow its going to get back up into the 30s.

Today unfortunately we suffered a bit, our pipes froze, but thanks to some space heaters we were able to get our water unfrozen and moving again. Before I go to bed tonight, I'll make sure to turn the water on so that it drips and keeps the water from moving.  We do now however have 12 gallons of dear, dear, sweet husband went to walmart and got some supplies for this frozen pipe nonsense.

So who's ready for spring?????

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