
Monday, March 23, 2020

What a year it's been

Well, 2020 has been a little on the extreme side this year it seems like. I know I've not posted much, or any this year.  I was sick all of January and part of February, and then in March just in time for my birthday I got the flu. It took me a little over 2 weeks to get over that. It was really rough. I felt better just in time to have to self isolate for the Corona Virus. This is some scary stuff.

So, since I've spent this year basically sick, I don't really have much to tell you all, other than I don't have any more chickens, but I do have 2 ducks. The raccoons took out every last chicken and rooster, and a duck. I managed to get those 2 ducks nice and secure. It took some work, and trust me I was fighting to keep the raccoons from getting those 2 ducks. Oh, we still have the rabbits.

Mishka is pretty much so done growing I think. She's the same size as her mom, so she's a small husky. She is also a talking husky, which means we know when she wants something, and she usually always wants something.

We have Sam's autoimmune disease under control. He's been on the meds for almost a year now. I'm glad he's doing so well though because he and Mishka have seriously bonded. I actually had hoped she and Jasper would bond like that because of Sam and Jasper being littermates, but what can you do?

I'm looking at some new recipes to share here with you all. I've made a couple that we really like, and plan on sharing those with you all over the next few weeks. I need to make my shopping list though, and determine which ones I want to make and share first.

I'm going to close this up for now. I really hope everyone is staying safe and healthy and doing what needs to be done during this pandemic.

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