
Thursday, April 27, 2017

Random Updates

So, we may have figured out what the problem is with being able to upload pictures. We're going to have to go through and change all of the settings on the laptop again. Turns out our Windows defender or whatever it is causing problems.  So, we plan on going through and changing the settings again and I will give it a try.

So, those baby ducks are getting huge!!! In fact they are close to having outgrown their current brooder situation. I was wanting to have their house and run up before that happened, but with all the rain we've been getting, and everything else that goes with it, we haven't been able to do that. So, we're going to have to move them into one of the grow out pens if we can't get it up in time.

I'm waiting on the post office to call me. I have chicks coming anytime now. We ordered our Chicks from Ideal Poultry. If all goes right, the 5 Rhode Island Red rooster chicks we ordered, will be rooster chicks. Last Spring we ordered 5 rooster chicks from a different company, one we don't normally order from. Well, those 5 rooster chicks we ordered all turned out to be pullets. I emailed the company, and they didn't offer to send me 5 rooster chicks, but a refund. I was like no, I can't accept a refund, because hens are worth more than roosters, and they've started laying. I've decided to not order from that other company again. When you have the chance to get rid of roosters, you really should take it.  Anyways, I have my chick brooder set up, my brooder heater is ready, and I have water ready for them at room temperature so that their little systems don't get shocked.

Well, that's about it for the moment. If all goes well, I'll be able to post pictures here soon. (fingers crossed)


  1. Just wanted to let you Know that I read you blog.. Occasionally I learn something, but, mostly because I can relate and it's a brief moment to relax my mind. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thank you so much!!!!!I do love sharing my farm experiences, sometimes I do go on a bit of a ramble, but I tend to write the same way I talk.

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