
Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Sometime next week

Morning all!!!! The sun is working it's way up in the sky, and I'm sitting here drinking my coffee, thinking about what the day is going to bring for me. I'm thinking it's going to be a great day based on the fact that it's not calling for rain.

I was on Amazon the other day, and found they were having a sale on their Kindles. I ordered the one that they came out with last year. I just couldn't bring myself to pay for the newest version. Mostly because 1 it's rather expensive, and 2 chances are, and with my luck, if I would have paid that much money for one, and for two, an even newer version would have come out, and the price would have dropped drastically. I went with the no rush shipment so that I could get the $5 credit to Amazon Pantry. I thought that was pretty neat. As much as we use our Amazon Prime subscription, I'm pretty sure we will be able to get a full cart of groceries in no time! But anyways, it will be here next week, and once I learn it, which I'm thinking won't be much different from using a smart phone,  I'll be able to start getting pictures up here again. I especially want to get pictures of the ducks before they get too much bigger on here. I can't believe we will have had them a full month this coming Saturday already.  They have grown so fast!!!! Frank and I were having a conversation about them yesterday. I told him that I had noticed some of the ducks tails were starting to flip up on the end, but not all of them, that some of the tails were staying straight. I was thinking that maybe it was because they might not all be the same age. Frank said he thought that only the male ducks tails flipped up on the ends like that. So last night while I was out in the pen with the ducks, I was trying to get a good count of the straight tails, because obviously we want the girls. It looks like, if Frank is right I have 3 girls, with a possible 4th. I'm a little leery on the 4th one, because the tips of it's feathers are slightly curled up, but are staying straight. Of course that one kept jumping into the water as well, so it's kind of a wait and see sort of deal I guess. Any of my followers have any experience with ducks???? Specifically White Peking?

This morning, after I first got up, I decided that I had not weighed myself at all this month, and I needed to do so. I had lost 65 pounds by the end of last month. Honestly, I thought I had gained weight back, and was a bit afraid to hop on. However, It's one of those things, I really needed to hop on so that I knew if I needed to be a good girl, or if I was still on track. Much to my happy surprise, the scale read 191!!!! I'm down 69 pounds!!!! I'm fairly certain that I'll make it under 190 this month if I can keep being good. My goal is to make it to a 110 pound weight loss. I may have to lose more, It all depends on what my doctor says when I take off 110 pounds. I'm also working on putting money back to help pay for skin removal surgery. My health insurance will pay for what they call the Apron, but not the other stuff. I'm going to have to have skin removed from my upper legs, my upper arms, and my upper back. It's not going to be cheap.  However, I feel like I've managed to accomplish so much this far, that I'm sure I can keep going.

Well, that's all for my morning ranting. I suppose I should throw on my blue jeans, and get up the hill to feed the ducks, who probably think they are starving!!!!!
Hope everyone is doing well!!!!

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