
Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Fall Updates

Greetings, things here have stayed busy. I've been attempting to try to get stuff done for this blog, but all of my canning, and regular chores have kept me so busy, that I'm afraid that it will be winter before I'm able to fill this blog with recipes and patterns. The good news is, I have lots of fun ideas for patterns, that I truly hope you all will enjoy. In the meantime, I've reopened my Etsy shop. It only has a few things in it, but that's ok, I'm not really trying to make a living, just some yarn money.

The chicks that I hatched out at the beginning of the month are growing like weeds!!! They are at that baby dinosaur stage, and their feathers are coming and, and they look all ragged and disheveled. Oh, I'm not going to lie, I think they are cute no matter how ugly they get. I guess I'm just that type of person, nobody is really ugly, they are just a different kind of cute.

So, I have Sam and Bella on the flea and tick pill, the one that lasts for 3 months. Jasper will be the next one to get one, and then it will go Bella, Sam and Jasper again. The reason that Jasper is last, isn't for any particular reason. He just doesn't have the flea trouble that the other two did. Sam is so fluffy that the fleas can get away from flea shampoo in a bath, and poor Bella, hound dog that she is, was just attracting them like she had a magnet in her or something. I must say though, I'm pleased with the results. I'll know for sure though when Summer comes back around. This is the time of the year anyways that the fleas start to slow down. (I'm still treating my carpet and furniture on a regular basis, because they can still hitch hike in)
 Well, I suppose I had better get off of here, and get back to work...although Bella came in with me when I brought in the groceries, and she has taken up residence on a yellow blanket that she's drug into the middle of the floor and is napping on. She had some lunch, and is snoring hard!!! Love that crazy hound!!!

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