
Monday, January 2, 2017

Happy New Year

Greetings my fellow readers!!!! I'm so happy that the new year is here, and that we can get a fresh start on things. Nobody can deny that 2016 was a rough year, it wasn't all bad, but it was indeed rough. It seemed like everything kept breaking, and going wrong. However, some of the breaks were for the better it would seem. Having to replace our Washer and Dryer, we got an HE, and monitoring my electric bill, it's actually using about $40 less worth of electricity a month.  So, even though it seemed tragic at the time, it was kind of a blessing in disguise. (I will admit though, it was really kind of sad, because Frank's parents bought us that set when we bought this house many moons ago)
We've managed to keep the Neon going, and are probably going to be putting it in the shop again here soon, and getting something else fixed. We're going to try and limp it along for as long as we can. Our plan is to get something with 4 wheel drive, that sits up higher than a car, but isn't huge. We've been looking at the crossovers. The plan is to have as big of a down payment as we possibly can, so that we can pay it off as fast as we can. We actually managed to pay off a bunch of stuff last year, and I really love not having a lot of payments.

I have been writing new patterns to share with you all, and I have them in many different drafts right now. I think you all will enjoy them. They are fun, and fast. I'm going to attempt to post a pattern a month for you all. The first one won't be posted this week, mostly because I have a bunch of stuff going on this week, but I will have it up before the month is out!!! I've also been trying new recipes, and I have a huge stack of them to share with you guys, and I'm going to try to share at least one a month with you guys as well. I know that last year my posting got rather minimal, but this year, I'm going to try to do better. This blog is a fun hobby for me. I love writing, and sharing, and I truly hope you all enjoy my rambles.

Well, that's it for today, Until my next post! Have a great week, and a Happy New Year!!!!

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