
Sunday, April 20, 2014

Our Growing Farm

As you can see by the pictures, our little farm is growing!!! We went to pick up our THREE Black Silver Fox Rabbits yesterday from a really awesome farm, about 45 minutes from here. Let me start by saying, this farm has goats and rabbits (and dogs, which is most important on a farm I believe), it was really awesome, and made me believe that our little farm, is probably awesome too. We just have chickens and rabbits and dogs.  Well Donna, the lady who owned the farm, took us around to see her other rabbits, and her set up, after we had our 3 loaded up. She has some of the most beautiful rabbits, she has blacks, blues, and chocolates. I held a really beautiful Blue bunny, but when she put that Chocolate girl in my arms, I was in love...and was not to be parted from that bunny. Her name is Betty. I cannot wait until she is old enough to Breed, because I think she's going to make some fantastic babies. Once everybody gets settled in better, and used to the dogs running around barking at them...and when the dogs get used to them, and stop running around barking at them, I'm going to work on getting more, and better pictures of them. The silvering in them is just fantastic. I'm not sure if you can tell by my gushing, but I'm absolutely in love with these rabbits.

Now, onto those cake pictures I have posted, that have nothing to do with bunnies...and more to do with what looks like owls...we went to a birthday party for a 1 year old yesterday. It was a great celebration. They had an owl theme, which was Look Whoo is turning 1. Let me start by saying that this baby is truly a blessing to her family. My friend that had this baby, went through a lot to be able to get pregnant, and struggled for many years. She got pregnant with twin boys, and tragically miscarried them. They were beautiful little boys. Within a few months, she managed to get pregnant, without even trying with this little girl, and successfully made it through this pregnancy, and this baby is a beautiful Joy to everybody who meets her. We were truly blessed to be able to be part of this celebration.

With that, I will close this up for the day, I hope everybody has a very Happy and blessed Easter, and many more Easters to come, from our Family to yours.

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