
Friday, April 18, 2014

Corn in the worm tubs

Worms love corn!!! They especially love it when the corn is still whole, and still on the cob. As you can see they will swarm to it. I think part of it is the sweetness of the corn, and the other part is that they love to lay their cocoons in the cob, which makes it even neater, because the babies will hatch into the cob, and will stay there for quite a while, eating the corn cob from the inside out.

Sometimes when we buy dried corn on the cob which we hang in the chicken run to amuse the chickens, we will take the dry cob and toss it into the worm tub. I wish I would have gotten pictures of it, but one day when I was going through the tubs, I broke one of those in half to see how it was going, and it pretty much so crumbled in half, and was just absolutely filled with worms. It was awesome!!!

I would estimate that most of this corn will be gone in about a good month. 

Now as you can see in the bottom picture, there is a used coffee filter, with some grounds, and some dog fur. The worms absolutely love the fur as well. When I read that at first I was kind of skeptical, until I tried it. I opened up the tub after I put it in a day or two later, and it was filled with worms. You just have to make sure it stays lightly damp so that the worms don't dry out.

The neat part about the worms, and the rabbits is, not only can I dump their litter right into the tubs, BUT after they are done with their nesting box when the babies are ready to be weaned, I can put parts of the nest into the worm tubs. The fur can go into the tub, and if I'm doing a more open tub, I can put the hay/straw into the tubs. IF I put the hay/straw into the tubs, I would have to make sure to mix it in well, so that it doesn't get too hot, and melt the worms. Yes, that can indeed happen. Chances are that part of it will just go onto the compost pile.

Tomorrow we will be picking up our Black Silver Fox Rabbits. I'm fairly excited about them. That will take our little farm to the next step. Cadburry and Pinkerton are going to be part of the farming, but they will be more for pets than for anything else. In other words, they won't get ate.

This is going to be a very busy weekend, we get the bunnies tomorrow, then I have a birthday party to go to later on that day, and then Sunday is Easter, so lots of family stuff going on there. My poor DH won't have much of a weekend off.

Well, That's it for now!!! Happy Easter Everybody!!!!

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