
Wednesday, April 9, 2014

me, chickens, celery and ramblings

Well, Happy Wednesday everybody!!! Just thought I'd share some pics with you guys today, the first one is of me, yes...and I didn't realize just how high my hair line is....It could just look like that too because of the way I have my hair pulled back...don't know...but anyways...That chick in the pic with me is a Rhode Island Red, Dark Brahma mix, and its a pretty little thing in all reality. I have yet to be able to figure out if its a he or a she. All I know is I plan on keeping it, because if nothing else, I can use it to breed barnyard mix. People like those, sometimes a mutt bird is the most fun bird!

So, I'm trying to grow celery again, this time, I'm not going to fertilize it the way I tried to last time...I kind of killed it pretty good when I did that...SO lesson learned, and I should be able to put it in the dirt here in the next day or two. I'm just waiting for the roots to get a little bit longer.

Some of my daffodils have bloomed, and they are quite pretty. They are the only ones that have bloomed for me this year. I'm thinking I'm going to have to thin out some of the ones I have planted around. I'm thinking that the poor little things are probably over crowded..but that's ok, because I have some plans, that I hope "take root" Ok, yeah that was a pretty bad pun there.

My red star seems to have decided she likes to be in with the chicks, but I think its more she likes their food better. She doesn't however want to stay in with them all of the time. She will go in with them for a couple of hours, and then want right back out. She reminds me of my dogs, in and out, in and out...

I'm thinking that these pretty white leghorns, that are at the right age, size, and weight should be laying. In fact, we've gotten one from them...Just One...*sigh* I don't think our egg eating problems are over just yet in the chicken house. We are looking at the possibility of having to go ahead and cull out the rest of the chickens. Not something we really wanted to do, but it looks like we're going to have to if we cant get it stopped. If we do, we plan on going ahead and letting the chicks in the big run, and then going ahead and getting some chickens off of somebody else that are already laying, and quarantining them for a while, until we are sure they are disease free. I must say, we've been having some serious chicken frustrations here lately. Hopefully we can get it worked out.

Today I've been working on quilt stuff some. I'm getting close to being done with the first quilt top. I'm thinking I might just go ahead and finish them as I go. It just seems like it would be easier than making all of the tops, and then doing all of the pinning and quilting and edging. Haven't decided just yet, but I'll post pictures for sure once I get somewhere with it. I do know I have a quilt top finished from last winter. I want to get that finished so I can put it out on the back of the couch. I really like it, its a pinwheel quilt. I don't think I have posted a pic of that. I'll have to take a good pic of that for you guys. I'm thinking about making another one full size as part of the Christmas gifting...haven't decided yet...I'm a very undecided person here today with my sewing!!

Well, everybody enjoy this nice pretty spring weather!!!  I need to get back to everything else that needs to be done!!!

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