
Sunday, August 24, 2014

We Have Baby Bunnies!!!!!!

OK, I know you can't really see them too well in there, or at all, but they are in there!!! Doris gave birth to 9 babies, with only one who didn't make it. She is an excellent mother!!! As you can see by all of the fur in the nest box, she is keeping them well covered. Frank was able to get in there this morning, and get the head count. Well, we are assuming there are only 8 live babies in that box. Doris wasn't overly thrilled with us in there. She gave birth on the 22nd, just like she was supposed too!!!! Now, Ethel on the other hand, decided to wait a couple of days before she gave birth to hers, and gave birth on the 23rd, to 6 live fat babies!!! She didn't seem to mind us getting in her nest box to the point that she let us take the box out to get a look. As soon as we put the nest box back in there, she went over, gave them a sniff, and went back to eating. It looks like everybody is well fed, and well cared for. Once everybody gets a little bit bigger, and I'm more comfortable handling them, I plan on getting some pictures. Phew, it seemed like it took us long enough to get to this point doesn't it????

Ginger is due on the 31st, so I'll start doing the nest box test with her this week. She was an excellent nest maker when she was having a false pregnancy, so I can only imagine what an awesome nest she's going to make this time!!!!

After Ginger has her babies, we plan on breeding Cadburry to Pinkerton, and then we are going to breed Betty to Fred. We really only plan on breeding two at a time, but we really needed to make sure that Fred wasn't dry, and that Doris wasn't going to be a baby eater permanently. Now, once everybody has been bred at least once, the plan is to only breed two at a time, and then we will breed one to Fred and one to Hudsen. (Hudsen just isn't old enough at the moment, but he will be in October)

And one last bit of exciting farm news!!! I'm FINALLY getting eggs from our Easter Eggers!!!! I have one giving us green eggs, and one is giving us pink eggs. I've been wanting to share all of this with you guys so much sooner, but I ended up with an unexpected house guest for about a week. That makes things a tad hard to get to keep up with.

Hopefully I will have some great pictures for you guys in the next week or so.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on all the babies and eggs...your little farm is doing great! :) So happy for you!
