
Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Gardening time is growing near!!!!

We go to lots of different farm stores here in Woodstock as you have probably figured out by now. The main two being Rockingham Coop, and Tractor Supply. Well, all of the seed displays and shelves have been filled!!!! At the Coop, they had the 1 lb bags of seeds, and I was so happy to see the green beans that I figured I had better grab up the ones we would need before they got sold out. I'm thinking about trying a couple of other types of beans if I can figure out how to fit them into our garden space. I have to be honest, I don't think our garden is big enough for everything I'd like to plant.
At tractor supply I found some seed tape, with carrot seeds. I decided that it would be fun to give that a try. It will only take up one skinny little row, so what can it hurt????  I'm fairly excited about getting the garden going!!!
This year, we are going to put some fencing up around it to keep the dogs out of it. Bella enjoys digging in it, Jasper likes to lay on it, and Sam likes to pee on all of the plants, pretty much so killing them. The plan is to try to put up a fence that is easily taken up and down, and we want to put it up before the man comes to till it for us, so that we can fill it up with Rabbit poop. We have no shortage of that. Then when we know he's coming, we will make the dogs stay in the house, and take it down. Once he's been and gone, we will put it back up.
This week, I plan on getting my tomato seeds started. I'm thinking if they do well, we should have tomatoes in June...hopefully.  I'm planning on making Pizza Sauce, Tomato Sauce, Salsa, Pasta sauce, and Chili. This will be a busy summer for sure, but well worth it.
Is everybody else getting ready for a garden???

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